Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Shake That.

Day 17 - A song you hear often on the radio
Party Rock Anthem - LMFAO

I love this song.
When I wasn't able to listen to my ipod in the car I thought I was going to die.
And I just about did.
No I'm not being dramatic.
"Get over it".
I know that's what you're all thinking.
I hate the radio.
I hate the songs on the radio.
If I hear a song I like I start disliking that song.
It has be be a great song,
one that really makes me feel the music,
in order for me to keep enjoying it after I've heard it on the radio.
There's not much to say about this particular song.
Except I'm going to learn how to dance to it,
just like this.

Go watch it,
go dance it,
go shake that!

Love and Rockets,


  1. LMFAO
    [L]augh [M]y [F]reaking [A]ce [O]ff?
    More like...
    RMFEO, romfeo, otherwise known as:
    [R]ip [M]y [F]reaking [E]ars [O]ff
    haha, sorry Kristen, but that kind of music...ugh...

  2. Reed, I knew you would feel this way. But you see, when I have friends who like this stuff it rubs off. I'm like a sponge, I absorb a lot. But don't you worry your pretty little face! My true love still lies in the real gritty indie-folk. The stuff you would never hear on the radio (Thank GOODNESS!!)

  3. haha, well stop giving into peer pressure so much! My wife likes country but you don't see me liking country any time soon...but wait...I love Andrea Bocelli...that's classical...WHAT HAS LINDSEY DONE TO ME!?!?!??!! haha, just kididng, classical music sucks haha
