Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Smile when you feel the sunlight.

Let's face it friends, I'm not a blogger! I don't know how, and I don't know what to put on here! I always see my friends blogs and think "Oh they're fun, they have a blog, they must have a life" and then I think "Oh I'm no fun, I have a blog that does nothing, I must not have a life". And I'm correct in my thinking! So as I was unable to sleep last night I was on Facebook and one of the coolest girls I've ever known is doing this 30 day song challenge and I want to be cool like that but I don't want to do it on Facebook cause the Facebook world needs to think I'm cool and only on there to do my stupid status updates. So long story short I'm going to do the 30 day song challenge on here! I figure it's a good way to get me on my blog and a good way to keep me entertained! So without further adieu, I give to you Day 1 of the 30 day song challenge.

Day 01- Your favorite song.

(go to that link and tell me you don't love this song!!)

I swear the first thing someone will ask me when they find out I'm a freak for music is "Who's your favorite band?" Well that's just stupid! With well over 8,000 songs, 573 artists, and 21.1 days of listening, that's a big question! So Asking me to pinpoint my favorite song should be more difficult right? Wrong. I have this song and no matter how many times I listen to it, it never gets old. I listen to it and I get that same giddy feeling I had when I first listened to it. I've dissected it, I've gone over every little word, the way he pronounces every line, the way the guitar will hold in all the right places building up the suspense for the next chorus. I KNOW this song. I know what it means to me and why it's my favorite. So go smile and feel the sunlight!!

Love and Rockets,


  1. you are great. I hope you had a fabulous birthday I am sorry I am a sucky friend and didn't come.

  2. Aw :) I love me some Kristen blog!!!
