Thursday, May 5, 2011

A city with a legend...

Day 06 - A song that reminds you of somewhere

El Paso City - Marty Robins

Name a camping trip, any camping trip I've ever been on and I guarantee this guy has played at some point. This is the man of my past. I can associate him with about 87% of my childhood. I also recognize him as the #1 Cowboy. But the exact place this song reminds me of is a lovely little place called Coyote Gulch.

Epic right?! Yeah, I LOVE this place to death! You can
either back pack it and take 3 days or do a day hike and get out 1/2 way through.
I've done both and they both have some amazing memories, and pictures.
Let me share some with you eh?

This is me with my bananadana brothers.
Me, Michelle and my sister Julie. Best road trip girls ever!
Raptor raptor, doin what I can...
A little lunch break yoga.
We think we're hard core, cause well, we are...
At the top of Coyote Gulch soaking it all up (quite possibly my favorite picture ever!)
This is at the end of the day hike, you start as soon as you wake up and walk until you're beyond ready to sleep. This is tied for my favorite picture ever...

So my friends, I miss this. I would give anything to go back there this summer but things are just too crazy. It's the only place that has literally taken my breath away. I have lots more pictures but pictures can never do this place justice. It's like The Format says "Pictures only prove we can't convince". I don't want to convince you guys it's amazing, I want to take you there and have you experience yourself. Maybe one day all 7 of us who look at this blog can all go? I'm getting delirious and rambling now and I bet you're still reading because what else are you going to do? Go look at some lame video on youtube? Just admit it, me rambling is better than most things on youtube. Except for maybe this video, it made me laugh for about 10 minutes today at work. Tears were coming out of my face. I'm going to end this now.

Love and Rockets,


p.s. It is officially smells like summer all the time. My nostrils are in heaven...

1 comment:

  1. Marty is the best country singer but he isn't the "#1 Cowboy" that was Roy Rogers title, and he was your idol as a little boy so you should know that ha ha
